Sunday, May 21, 2006

Lucent's Red swirl

"When it comes to designing logos, business rhetoric is full of exhortations to avoid the commonplace and choose a unique symbol that truly expresses the organization’s individuality. But more often than not, corporate logos fall back on graphic clichés that allow the company to fit in, rather than to stand out. For many organizations, this conservative strategy makes perfect sense, as their need to be perceived as legitimate overrides other concerns."

After Lucent Technonolgy's red swirl was intially scorned it eventually gained acceptance and is now commended for it's bravery in design.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

neologisms on the simpsons

In the early days of telephony there was no standard way to greet the unknown person at the other end of the line as most greetings were designed for face-to-face encounters. Alexander Graham Bell coined the phrase "Hoy Hoy", a take off of the nautical greeting "Ahoy", and advocated its use. However the term "Hello", which was supported by Thomas Edison, eventually won out. This is a humorous reference to Burns' age in that he still uses this arcane greeting long since forgotten by the rest of the world. (However, it should be noted that the Czech word "ahoj" (pronounced "ahoy"), meaning "Hi", remains that country's most popular informal greeting, and that "Hoi" is similarly common in Dutch and Swiss German.)